Process & Skills

My Process & Skills:

I love being more than just a problem solver, but a problem definer. The first step of any project is to find out if we’re even asking the right question, before I set out to solve it.

I am a full-stack designer who tackles initial discovery and framing, prototyping, high-fidelity UI and supporting implementation - in other words - I like talking to engineers!

In an ideal world, my process is a cycle of small iterations focusing on the user to consistently deliver value and minimize risk. First, I assess what we know and design a lean hypothesis. Then I test with users, build what we know works, and repeat. I’m happiest working closely with product management and engineering, collaborating early and often. User value should always be in balance with business needs, and the health and sustainability of the system.

But the world of product isn’t always ideal! I’ve launched products at public companies, dozen-person startups, and a few environments in between. There’s a time to be scrappy, ruthlessly prioritize and fail fast (as long as you learn why).

Whatever stage your company is in, I can make Design a powerful and effective addition to your team.

And just in case your curious, below are some of my specific skills:



User-centered design

User research and validation

Qualitative user interviews

Analytics/Quantitative testing

Information architecture

Service blueprints

Affinity mapping


Interactive prototypes/wireframes

Personas & archetypes

Card sorting

UI/High-fidelity design






Adobe XD + Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign

Optimal Workshop




Photo and video production

Writing incredible searches on StackOverflow